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Light Boxes For Restoring Historic Documents

Preserving History

The preservation of historic posters, maps, and large format prints is a crucial aspect of cultural heritage. From advertisements to artwork, these pieces hold a wealth of information and are a valuable representation of history. Restoration is the process of bringing these pieces back to their original condition, preserving them for future generations. In the restoration process, light plays a crucial role, and that's where light boxes come in.

The restoration process involves various steps, including cleaning, repairing damages, and colour correction. In this process, light boxes are used to aid in the inspection and repair of the pieces. These light boxes provide an even and uniform light source that makes it easier to detect and repair damages, as well as to check for colour correction and consistency.

Large light tables or wall-mounted light boxes are especially useful for the restoration of larger pieces, such as posters and maps. These light boxes provide a large, flat surface that allows the entire piece to be viewed at once, making it easier to identify damages and inconsistencies. Additionally, the use of colour corrected light helps to accurately assess the original colours of the piece, ensuring that the restoration process results in a true representation of the original piece.

Low heat output is another important factor to consider when using light boxes in the restoration process. High heat can cause damage to delicate historical pieces, particularly if they are made of paper or other sensitive materials. Light boxes equipped with LED lights are ideal for restoration work, as they emit minimal heat and do not cause any damage to the piece.

The quality of the light box is also important in the restoration process. High-quality light boxes provide a consistent and reliable light source, which is crucial when working with delicate historical pieces. The use of a low-quality light box can result in inaccurate assessments and potentially cause further damage to the piece.

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A1 BEAM LED Light Box

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Di più +Meno

  • Area di lavoro 860 x 620 mm Schermo Edge-To-Edge
  • Formato carta A1
  • Peso 7,8 kg (14,5 kg con vetro)
  • Dimming Controllo della luminosità graduale 10 - 100%
  • Funzione memoria
  • Potenza totale della luce 6.398 lumen
  • Luminosità dello schermo 12.000 LUX / 3.820 nit
  • Schermo Schermo in acrilico
  • Fonte luminosa LED retroilluminato
  • Uscita luce 5500K - 6000K (bianco puro)
  • Wavelength luce 500 - 545 nm
  • Vita utile LED 50.000 ore
  • Alimentazione 24V 5A
  • Utilizzo massimo di potenza 80W
  • Protezione ingressi IP64

£718.80inclusa £119.80 IVA

A0 BEAM Light Table

Consegna in tutto il mondo ✓

Di più +Meno

  • Area Lavoro Schermo bordo a bordo 1220 x 860mm
  • Formato Carta A0
  • Interruttore Sensibile al tocco in acciaio inox e illuminato
  • Dimmerabile Controllo luminosità passo-passo 10 - 100%
  • Funzione Memoria
  • Potenza Luminosa Totale 12,590 lumen
  • Luminosità Schermo 12,000 LUX / 3,820 nits
  • Schermo Vetro temperato
  • Fonte luminosa LED retroilluminato
  • Uscita luminosa 5500K - 6000K (Bianco Puro)
  • Lunghezza d'Onda Luminosa500 - 545nm
  • Durata LED 50,000 ore
  • Peso 45kg
  • Altezza Tavolo 830mm
  • Alimentazione Alimentatore 24V incluso
  • Utilizzo Massimo di Potenza 170W
  • Protezione Ingresso IP64

£1494.00inclusa £249.00 IVA

2A0 BEAM Light Table

Consegna in tutto il mondo ✓

Di più +Meno

  • Zona di lavoro 1720 x 1220mm Schermo Edge-To-Edge
  • Formato carta 2A0
  • Dimming Controllo della luminosità graduale 10 - 100%
  • Funzione di memoria
  • Potenza totale della luce 35,672 lumen
  • Luminosità @ Schermo 12,000 LUX
  • Schermo Vetro temperato
  • Fonte luminosa LED retroilluminato
  • Uscita luminosa 5500K - 6000K (Bianco puro)
  • Lunghezza d'onda della luce 500 - 545nm
  • Vita media del LED 50,000 ore
  • Peso 87kg
  • Altezza del tavolo 830mm
  • Alimentazione Alimentatore principale 24V incluso
  • Utilizzo massimo di potenza 330W
  • Protezione ingressi IP64

£2994.00inclusa £499.00 IVA


The use of light boxes in the restoration process of historic posters, maps, and large format prints is essential for ensuring the preservation and protection of these cultural treasures.

The benefits of using large light tables or wall-mounted light boxes, colour correction, and low heat output make these tools a valuable asset for restoring delicate historical pieces. As we strive to preserve and protect our cultural heritage, the use of light boxes will continue to play a crucial role in the restoration process.

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